Weston Junior Academy,
Princess Drive,
Weston Coyne,
Club opens at:
Sat 9:00am
Tue 5.45pm
Wed 5.45pm
Sun 10:00am
We wouldnt be here without them:

We were generously given £424 from the Co-Op Community Fund to help us to start our club and it was enough to buy some equipment to get us started. We are very thankful for this. If you havnt heard about this fund before here is some information about them and how to apply for your club.
Here's how we raise money:
Every time you spend money with us and use your Co-operative Membership card, whether on groceries, electrical goods or banking, you collect points that go towards receiving a share of our profits. You can choose to donate all, or just some, of your share to The Co-operative Membership Community Fund. This fund is distributed to then local groups and projects in your area.
Here's why:
The communities we serve have always been important to us. With our Community Fund the money donated in your area stays in your area, so you get to see first-hand the good things that are happening as a result of your generosity. If you know or are involved in a local group or community project, you can find out more about applying for funding here: http://www.co-operative.coop/membership/local-communities/community-fund/onlineapplicationprocess/
Here's to you:
Last year, thanks to the donations of our members, The Co-operative Membership Community Fund was able to give over £3.2 million to local projects. These projects included sports clubs, theatre groups, rescue teams and children’s nurseries and provided funding for everything from tents to first-aid equipment. Even new canoes!

We have been awarded over £3000 from Sports England. This money enabled us to pay for a full year at our new venue, set up this website, pay for our club insurance and purchase all of the remaining equipment that we needed. We are very thankful for this. If you havnt heard about this fund before here is some information about them and how to apply for your club.
What we do
Sport England is focused on helping people and communities across the country create a sporting habit for life.
We will invest over £1 billion of National Lottery and Exchequer funding between 2012 and 2017 in organisations and projects.
We also have a role protecting sports provision and must be formally consulted on any English planning applications that affect playing fields.
You can keep up with all our latest news by checking our news page or follow us on Twitter @sport_england.
About our funding
Do you need to refurbish changing rooms to bring them up to scratch?
Perhaps you want to set up a wheelchair basketball club, but don’t have the funds to buy the specialist chairs required?
Or maybe you have money from a local sponsor but need further help to develop a new sports programme in your local area?
If you have plans that will help get more people playing more sport more often, but are being held back by cost then we may be able to help.
We run a number of different funding programmes which are open to a wide range of organisations. Whether you are a sports club, voluntary or community organisation, local authority, school, college or university we can help you.
Our funding programmes
Each of our funds has been carefully designed to support our strategy and meet the needs of the applicants.
Our funds are distributed in two ways.
Through solicited applications - we will invest in organisations which have specific objectives related to community sport, such as national governing bodies, county sports partnerships and local authorities.
Through open applications - through open applications, we will invest in a wide range of organisations. Applications will be judged on their merits against transparent and relevant criteria.
Find out more by visiting our different funds webpage.
To apply for funding click HERE.

We can now proudly say that we are a Club Links Satellite Club. Thanks to their grant of over £1200 we are now able to buy more equipment and train some more coaches to allow us to offer a FREE coaching session every Wednesday evening for anyone aged between 11-25. Thank you to Sports Across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent for allowing us this oppertunity. If you havnt heard about this scheme before please have a read below.
By March 2017, every secondary school, college and other relevant settings will be offered a satellite community sports club on site. The creation of Satellite Clubs around the county will help young people aged 11-25 take the step into community sport.
Satellite clubs are extensions of community sports clubs which are established in a new venue, usually a secondary school or college, and specifically target the 11-25 age group. Satellite clubs are usually run by sports clubs who bring their expertise and enthusiasm to places where young people already meet. In addition to educational sites we are keen to position satellite clubs in youth and community facilities.
This new intervention is at the heart of Sport England’s 2012-17 Youth and Community Strategy, research has shown that the step from school or college sport to community sport is often too great for young people. This is one of the reasons why so many 11-25 year olds drop-out. Satellite clubs make it easy for young people to stay in sport, or to start playing for the first time.
The clubs will offer a different sporting experience for young people and will aim to attract young people who are not typically very sporty.
To apply for funding click HERE.